Bye bye love
Bye bye happiness
Hello loneliness
I think I'm gonna cry

Two weeks ago I found out that my '84 beetle would not make it through its yearly MOT. Basically the whole bottom is rotting away, quite common for Mexican beetles in the rainy Dutch climate. I can tell you, it hurt to have to let go such a wonderful car. I had bought this beauty two years ago, when I was going through some difficult period in my life, and it just cheered me up so much. It's such a joy to drive it: the look and feel of it (very comfy chairs!), the sound of the engine, the smell of was just therapeutic to drive it. Whenever I was feeling a bit down, I would just go out and drive it for a bit and it would make me feel so much better. Of course the yellow strengthens this, but apart from that there is also the cheerful shape of a beetle, the relaxing lack of useless things on the dashboard and again, the most beautiful sound in the world, that of an air-cooled engine. But I don't have that anymore. Not for a while at least. Fixing it would have cost a fortune, and the same problem would come up again next year because it wouldn't cease to rust. So for now I've got nice memories and loads of pics of my beetle (and me) and someday I will drive a beetle again.

I want a big version of that last photo for my desktop! Commiserations...
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