Tuesday, August 01, 2006

ESSLLI day 2

Right now I'm at the first evening lecture of ESSLLI, but it turns out that coalgebra isn't really my thing (like mereology as I found out this morning, the lack of lecture notes and me not having attended the first lecture didn't help). Still it's an interesting lecture even though I got lost after slide 4. About an hour ago (18:45) it was still 38 centigrade outside, so I'm also enjoying the airconditioning here very much, and the fast internet. So I just uploaded some pictures of Paris and my trip to California (more organised than before). Both albums can be found on merpel.nl, which (yes) I still need to turn into a real website instead of a photo repository.

Today I also decided not to go to the "Introduction to corpus resources, annotation and access" course anymore because I've already covered most of the topics in courses at Tilburg University. Instead of that I went to "Data-driven methods for acquiring linguistic information", which is a good choice I think. Though I was suffering from a big 'post-lunch dip' after the heavy Spanish lunch (siesta-time isn't scheduled unfortunately). The first course was a potato with aioli salad (big plate), the second fried potato slices with tuna (at least that's what I chose) and a slice of watermelon for dessert. I didn't go to the second course in the afternoon because I was a bit tired and I wanted to get some rest before the evening lecture.

Now I'm off to dinner, and maybe the swimming pool.


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