Benelearn Ghent
I needed a few days to recover from this event, but here's a little account of my adventures :)
On Wednesday one of my co-workers and I arrived in Ghent awfully late because someone still had to pack his toilet bag (hint: I use my toilet bag to store stuff in I never use, so it wasn't me). So around ten (!) we met up in Ghent with Sander, also from Tilburg University, to have dinner. Fortunately the McDonald's wasn't the only place that still served food so I had some very nice Salmon in a restaurant that I forgot the name of, but it had a sign saying "Kitchen open". Afterwards we found a nice jazzcafe quite close the hotel (which was a monastery until a few years ago so I slept in the room of Sancta Felicitas, a female martyr, with a portrait of Jesus who's just to be crucified above my bed, very stylish).

Thursday was pretty OK, apart from the room where the conference was held being very, very cold, and dark. I'm not sure why they switched off the lights during presentations, maybe to not see the nervousness on the presenter's face? The lunch made up for it though (sandwiches with shrimps, woohoo! And also the lovely weather outside, so I even got sunburnt over lunch). Between the talks and the conference dinner I wanted to typeset my presentation (I'm using LaTeX and I had made a few changes to it) and I found out that it didn't work on Toine's laptop because he was missing a font or something, uhoh! But food was waiting for us, so I decided to postpone solving this until after the dinner. Which was very good, a very nice restaurant (a pity I nearly fell off the stairs when I came in, they could have put up warning signs), so unlike the previous conference dinner! After the dinner Ricardo (at least I think that's his name) dragged us to a salsa bar of which he knew the owner. The place was deserted, but 20 machine learning conference go-ers soon changed that :) So after some dancing with the Cuban guy and an Indian guy (at least I think he said he was Indian) I went back to the hotel via the Erpelsteeg ("Erpel-alley"). I decided not to spend time on finding out what was missing in that LaTeX install and downloaded a new version. Thank god that worked! So I could get to sleep at 03:30 :)

Friday I woke up around 7 because other people the hotel started to wake up. At 11:30 I gave my presentation, half asleep (the dark room didn't really help), so it wasn't my best presentation ever, and I felt a bit of an outcast in the only more or less applied machine learning session of the whole conference, but people seemed to be paying attention and I got a few good questions so that was nice. I also had a poster at the conference, but there wasn't a real poster session, my poster has just been up there for two days and during each break people could look at posters and ask questions. Usually I have my posters printed on A0, simply because I can, and then I have the biggest poster. This time I decided to be more modest and have it printed on A1, and now everyone had an A0 poster! AARRRGGG ! ! ! Ah well, people looked at it, found the Easter egg, said they liked it and proceeded to drink some more coffee. I wanted to be home a bit on time Friday evening so I took the 17:31 train from Ghent to Leiden ( Antwerp). I should have been home at 20:30, but we stood in a field 5 miles before Dordrecht for an hour because the train in front of us broke down. So I arrived in Leiden at 21:14, raced through the supermarket (thank God for supermarkets that are open until 10) and got home in time to watch LOST, exhausted, but I enjoyed a few good days in Ghent (and I'm certainly going back this summer, there's an exhibition by Wouter Deruytter until June 18 I'd love to see).

Lessons learnt:
- Don't trust other people's laptops (no offence)
- Finish presentation on your own computer before you go
- or get your own laptop (when are they going to release those new macbooks!!!)
P.S. More pics on flickr
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